Next Date TBD
4:00 PM PT (7:00 PM ET)
6:30 PM PT (9:30 PM ET)

*Webinars duration: 25-40 mins

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We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming webinar.

We will be hosting a roundtable discussion on how to invest in a real estate development project offered by a B.C. based Developer, featuring the company’s latest real estate project and the private equity investment opportunities available for 2024!

Our discussion will focus on the innovative and proven investment philosophy behind private equity investing, the high yield returns, and why the project was selected as a prime opportunity for development. Further, we’ll share details about risks, benefits, and how to leverage registered such as RRSP & TFSA savings for the investment.

Join us and learn how this limited partnership opportunity works!

Limited Partnership Opportunity:
✓ Option 1: 15% Annual Preferred Fixed Return
✓ Option 2: 7.5% Annual Preferred Fixed Return + 50% of pro-rata share of profit
✓ TFSA & RRSP Eligible
✓ $25,000 Minimum Investment